If you’ve been picking locks for a while you have probably accumulated a pretty large collection of tension wrenches. Most people put them in a cup which works great for holding them, however if you are looking for a bit more organization for your turning tools then this tension wrench holder is for you.
Across the front of the holder are 9 slots made specifically for holding your Top of the Keyway (TOK) pry bars. There are also two open areas on the front to hold other pry bars and Z style tension wrenches.
Behind that are 75, no, you didn’t misread that! There are 75 holes made to hold single sided tension wrenches. These work for both standard and twisted wrenches.
Finally in the back there are 3 large slots to holder lots of Z style wrenches along with other styles of tension wrenches such as our Tubular Lock tension wrench.
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